
Submission of an abstract


Submission of an abstract

The form is incomplete or wrongly filled in :
* Contact’s last name is not given .
* Contact’s first name is not given .
* Contact’s address is not given .
* The choice of the FSTCVS meeting is not given .
* The choice of the abstract theme is not given .
* The French title of the abstract is not given .
* The English title of the abstract is not given .
* The public speaker must be identified .
* The authors must be identified .
* The authors’ institutions or hospitals (in English) are not given .
* At least one key word must be given .
The English version of the abstract must be given.


Event :  

Theme :

Title :
Authors :
Hospital :
Objectives :
Methods :
Results :
Conclusion :
Key words :
    In order to respect anonymity, please do not quote the institution in the title or the text of the abstract