Categories Articles THORACOSCORE Post author By sfctcv Gender <>FemaleMale Age <>below 56 yearsbetween 56 and 64 yearsover 64 years ASA <> 1 : is healthy 2 : has a moderate systemic disease 3 : is limited but not incapacitated 4 : has a life-threatening disease 5 : has a life expectancy < 24 hours 6 : is brain dead PS (WHO) <> 0 : is normally active 1 : cannot carry out heavy physical tasks 2 : is active > 50% of the time 3 : is at rest > 50% of the time 4 : is at rest 100% of the time Dyspnea (MRC) <>0: no dyspnea1: dyspnea after going up 2 flights upstairs2: dyspnea after going up 1 flight upstairs3: dyspnea when walking on the level4: dyspnea when walking slowly5: dyspnea at the slightest effort Priority for surgery <>Scheduled UrgentEmergency Procedure <>PneumonectomyOther Diagnosis group <>BenignMalignant Co-morbidity <>01 or 2Over 2 Limits: minimal Limits: maximal Probability % % ← Mode d’Emploi → THORACOSCORE